Sunday, December 28, 2008

Are You Hot or Cold?

Do you know what? As a Christian I think it can be easy to just go along with your life and kind of do the motions. For example, reading your Bible, and praying. Sure those things are good, but unless you are doing it with the right heart (a heart that yearns and desires what the Father wants, a heart that longs to be closer to Him), it can be just the reading of a few paragraphs, or the mumbling of a few lines. If our prayers do not come from the heart, they are meaningless and vain words to our Lord. I know for me it is easy to just do the motions. But it is all an outward appearance. The bible says in Revelation 3:15-16 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth!” I like to think of it as a cup that is sparkling clean on the outside, and dirty on the inside. I don’t know about you but that is something I would not drink from. Jesus would spew us out of his mouth. We need to be a Christian from the inside, and let our light shine from within. We need to be the kind of Christian that when your non-Christian friends hear that you are a Believer, they don’t say “Really?” in disbelief. We need to be on fire (and I mean burning) for the Lord, because everything in this world is constantly trying to put us out. If you’ve got a fire that consists of a few twigs burning, all you need is a little wind (troubles) to put it out. But if you have a big fire with hot coals, it takes a lot to put that fire out, because its source comes from the inside (the hot coals, or Jesus Christ), not the outside like the little fire.

These are just some things I have been thinking about lately, and thought I would write them down.

Your Brother in Christ,


Levi Bendixen said...

Good thoughts Kevin. It's so true. We need to renew our relationship with God over and over. You can't be on a platau with God. You are either decreasing or growing in Him.

God bless,

P.S. You might consider getting a less simular picture than your brother. :)

P.P.S. I didn't know you read "One Thing You Can't..." !!! I'm reading it now. It's so awesome. I was able to use some of the tips tonight.

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