Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Star Spangled Banner


Here it is. The Star Spangled Banner, America’s official National Anthem. If I go off-key in a few parts, please try to ignore it. Thank-You.



Anonymous said...

To think, after all these years, you still sound the same!

JK. I've never heard your voice. :)

Good job!


Joshua said...

Great job Kevin. :)

Bethany said...

I love it! I'm afraid I broke the rules though and laughed. :)

Joel Cooper said...

Very funny. My little sister didn't even recognize you.

Rachel said...

Oh how cute! LOL!
Sorry Kevin I laughed also! :(

Kevin Wegner said...

It isn't THAT embarrassing since it was so long ago and I am not there while everyone is watching it. When my grandparents came over the other day, my family sneaked them into our computer room and started to play the movie. Then they called me in. THAT was embarrassing. Oh, the things I used to do (and still do!).

Ryan said...

I was laughing so hard I almost cried. You are just so cute and adorable.haha I can't stop laughing. :)

And then how you tried to talk yourself out of being embarrassed is so funny.LOL haha( I'm dieing on this side of the screen)

P.S. I feel like giving you a hug. :)

Hannahbanana said...

Ha.ha.ha well Kevin I guess things just don't change that much after five years ago do they,that was very nice, a well trained voice
Hannah Heyworth

Kevin Wegner said...

Ryan: LOL I'm hugging you right back!

Hannah: A well trained voice? LOL! Very Funny.....

'becca said...

Very nice, Kevin!! You go nation wide! I also broke the rules and started laughing, sorry. If you don't mind me asking, why were we watching a wall?


'becca said...

I ment to say that you SHOULD go nation wide, sorry about the slip.

Anonymous said...

from dad cooper to kevins parents. this is an appeal. please make kevin take this off his blog before hollywood discovers him and swallows him up. i fear his talent might ruin him.

Anonymous said...

Haha, Mr. Cooper. :)

Kevin Wegner said...

If I was wanted at Hollywood for this, it would be in a comedy. LOL! Very funny Mr. Dale!

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